Check/credit preferred to avoid Fees.
Send check payable to: El Cinco de Mayo, Inc.
PO Box 17373 Colorado Springs, CO 80935-7373
If paying with PayPal please check the “Add $ box to help cover fees” and add your extra donation at check out. Fees are 3% of your donation. Thank you for your consideration.
**Note change in transcripts: You may include official transcript in
your application packet, OR have them emailed to elcincocos@gmail.com

Requirements to qualify for the El Cinco de Mayo, Inc. Scholarship
Must fall within the definition of “underserved” (someone who does not have the financial resources and/or has inadequate support, guidance, assistance and/or would be the first in their family to attend/graduate from college; and/or who is facing adversity in life due to their socio-economic situation).
For Armendariz scholarship - Must plan to (or currently) attend a higher education institution in El Paso County and/or - be a Resident of El Paso County in Colorado
For El Cinco de Mayo, Inc. scholarship “must be an El Paso County resident”
Have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better 2.8 for Armendariz scholarship
Be an Undergraduate or Graduate Student attending full time
If selected as a finalist, must be available to participate in personal interview (date to be announced)
If selected as a recipient, must provide a head shot photo for journal and website
If selected as a recipient, must provide update on academic year’s progress
If selected as a recipient, must volunteer with El Cinco de Mayo Inc for a minimum of 10 hours for the academic year they are selected
If selected as a recipient, must attend 2 MANDATORY Recognition events.
Applications must be submitted by email only and meet deadline date.
Scholarship Application
Personal Essay. Please include background information/future goals & aspirations (must be typed, 12 pt. font – ½” margins and limit to one page, single spaced)
a. For Armendariz application - Statement and background about self ~Future Goals ~Indicate what “honor and commitment” mean to you ~How important is your cultural background, and why? -
1 Page Personal Resume (should include school activities, community service, sports activities, and employment, if applicable (most current only)
2 Letters of Recommendation (must be different from previously submitted, if applicable)
1 (one) official transcript, sealed (no copies needed) and included in application packet. **Note change in transcripts: You may include official transcript in your application packet, OR have them emailed to elcincocos@gmail.com by the institution
Must be postmarked no later than Midnight June 2, 2025.
APPLICATIONS MUST NOW be scanned and emailed to the elcincocos@gmail.com. Must be postmarked no later than Midnight June 2, 2025.

Please use the list below to check off items as you have completed them for your application packet.
Applications must be submitted by email only and meet deadline date.
Transcript -1 Official Sealed (include in application packet) **Note change in transcripts: You may include official transcript in your application packet, OR have them emailed by the institution to elcincocos@gmail.com
Completed Application
Personal essay
One-page Resume
Two Letters of Recommendation
Incomplete information will disqualify your application.
APPLICATIONS MUST NOW be scanned and emailed to the elcincocos@gmail.com. Must be postmarked no later than Midnight June 2, 2025.